
开学啦!!! 8月27日,昔日宽阔无人的Alumni草坪突然变得热闹起来。在夏日的阳光下,随着一阵阵pizza和烤肉的香味,我们VUCSSA又迎来了一年一度的迎新烧烤活动。 为了对刚刚踏入那村的中国同胞们表示欢迎,我们VUCSSA一如往年,举办了Barbecue Party。虽说名字里有着Barbecue,但是由于不忍心让大家在炎炎烈日下被烟熏的睁不开眼睛,我们还是决定为大家准备好了现成的食物与水果,在草坪上野餐:我们有接地气的Pizza和烤肉,有深受大家欢迎的烤鸡翅,还有各种各样的汽水饮料,当然也少不了夏日必备的冰镇西瓜啦~ (说着口水都要流出来了呢!) With the sun shining and the birds singing, VUCSSA successfully held one of our biggest events of the year—the BBQ party!! To show all the new students our warm welcoming, (even the nice weather cooperates with us) VUCSSA prepared pizza, beef, chicken wings, juices and all kinds of food to … Continue reading 2016年新生BBQ